This Black Friday, we're donating 20% of sales to Protect Our Winters
We’ve thought long and hard about Black Friday over the last few years, and it just doesn’t sit right with us. So, for the third consecutive year, we’re opting-out of offering discounts and contributing to the necessary madness that surrounds this time of year. You can find out a little more on this here.
As part of taking a stand against the phoney discount bullsh*t, we’ve decided not to be selfish (when it would be so easy to!) and instead use our platform to give back. This year, we’re proud to link up with our long-standing partners at Protect Our Winters UK and Protect Our Winters FR (POW), to donate 20% of all sales over the cyber weekend*.
POW helps passionate outdoor people protect the places we live and experiences we love from climate change – they do this through community education and engagement, organisational climate action support, and campaigns for systemic policy solutions. They’re doing some serious heavy lifting, and we want to do what we can to support this.
Our charity partners like POW mean that generations to come can enjoy the very same mountain sports that we all love, and that work is really important to us.
In 2020, we launched our “No Skiing on Mars” capsule collection, a collaboration between Planks and POW. 25% of gross profit from this collection’s sales goes towards funding POW’s Carbon Literacy program, which works to educate businesses on how they can reduce their carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly. Businesses have the power to influence change at scale, so we think this is a super important initiative. Learn more about the programme here.
We are committed to doing business the right way. To hold ourselves accountable we have taken the POW pledge. The pledge is a framework that outlines actions that we can take to reduce our carbon dependency. It covers all aspects of our operations: CO2 intensive activities such as logistics and manufacturing, and more immediate steps, like buying electricity from renewable suppliers and divesting from the fossil fuel industry. With guidance from POW, we have outlined Planks’ environmental goals for the future and plotted our roadmap to get there. It will culminate in a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and the goal of being NetZero by 2040.
The UK government committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but we’re not on track. Net zero is how we stop climate change, and the sooner we reach it, the more impacts we can avoid. This is why POW has launched their SEND IT for for climate campaign.
This season long, we are distributing prepaid POW postcards on all UK orders for the outdoor community to sign and send, which outline the policy commitments needed to get us back on track to net zero. Join us and SEND IT for climate! Learn more about the POW campaign here.
"As a charity that receives no government funding, POW UK relies on the generous
support of corporate partners to achieve our mission. Our partnerships are,
therefore, symbiotic. Corporations provide crucial funding and support for our
work whilst we provide education, tools, and resources that empower them to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate
Planks, a longstanding Foundation Partner, exemplifies the success of our
partnerships. Their subsidisation of our Carbon Literacy Training for community
members, has contributed to our mission of turning passionate outdoor people
into effective climate advocates, and their focus on recycled fabrics,
sustainable packaging, and avoidance of Black Friday sales align seamlessly
with our goals.
We are stoked to collaborate with them both now and in the future, and can't
wait to see the continued impact we have on the industry."
- Adam Raja, POW UK Marketing Manager