April 21, 2013
Park 9 Comp in Verbier.
Park 9 is a contest that holds a different format to all other contests. Specifically it combines a golfing format with freeskiing and snowboarding. It's a team event of 4 people. There are 9 features in the park which are the equivalent of 9 holes of a golf course. After an hours warm up on all the features each team gets a run through the course with 1 hit on each feature per person. Scoring is similar to golf where the most technically flawless tricks score eagles and birdies etc. The more difficult the feature the higher the par. Each team takes the highest two scores and add it to their scorecard so it's important to think tactically about how technical you go.
For the past two years I've won the event with a different team. This year the team wasn't available so I decided to organise a Planks Team. The other riders were Tom Lesuire, Jessi Cornu and Jerome Lambert. I actually think we had a stronger and more diverse team than the year before.
It was such a fun day and the format of the event creates a really relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere without the intensity of some of the more high profile events. The course had lots of diverse features which allowed for creativity amongst the teams. Check out the photos from the event.
[caption id="attachment_381" align="alignnone" width="662"]
Jerome Lambert - 540 nose tap on the totem pole[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_378" align="alignnone" width="662"]
Julian Ball - Cork 720 Truck Driver on the last hole![/caption]
Once each team had completed the course the scores were added up and following the golfing theme the score cards with the lowest 4 scores competed in the final. We qualified in 1st which we were stoked with because having not seen many of the other teams ride it was hard to know what level we were competing against.
The final consisted of just 3 rounds; The big kicker which was judged on style with riders allowed to do no more than a 720, the six rails in a row and final a team expression session on the big kicker again. Below is a shot of what we did in the team expression session.
[caption id="attachment_382" align="alignnone" width="662"]
Jerome and I doing left and right cork 720 nose grabs while Tom does an unnatural flat 360 in the middle! (Jessy was just landing a cork 900 tail.[/caption]
In the end we were pipped at the post by a local team but we were all stoked on 2nd and had an awesome day. We got some good prizes and some cash so everyone was happy. Massive thanks to Planks for helping us get there. We look forward to going back next year!
[caption id="attachment_383" align="alignnone" width="662"]
Park 9 - Planks Team 2nd place![/caption]
On a personal note I was happy to be awarded the prize of best individual score at the after party that night in the Mont Fort Pub. Thanks to the organisers and the Verbier park for putting on such a fun event. Can't wait to go back next year.
Here is the edit from the event.[youtube=www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_NpmXxOnKA&]