November 09, 2015
Real Skifi - Episode 13
The Real Skifi crew have just released the latest episode of their ongoing web series and it's fair to say that once again the Finnish innovators have produced something that's not to be missed! The latest episode is action packed with their signature creativity and is sure to wow the freeski scene once again. So we decided to catch up with the guys to get some more information about the crew, the latest episode and their plans for the future. Scroll down to see what they had to say and of course the full video of the latest episode.
Where is this latest episode filmed? Our dear hometown Jyväskylä which is located in central Finland. What’s your favourite place to try and film, do you prefer staying at home or travelling to new places? All different, all good. Travelling is way fun and it makes you really focus on what you do. But it can also make you tired and hurt and there's often not enough time so you have to rush things. It's generally easier to film closer to home. We might just film one night every now and then and take it easy. After all the place doesn't matter too much. If you have some good friends, snow and fresh ideas you don't care where you are.
You guys are well known for inventing new tricks in every episode, how do you come up with the ideas? Is it something that you plan in advance or do you just go out and see what happens? We come up with the ideas various ways. Most times we plan the tricks in advance. We rarely go to a spot with no idea what to do there. We often get ideas from other sports: snowboarding, skateboarding or pretty much whatever. Sometimes we have a certain spot in mind and want to invent a trick for that spot. Other times we have a trick in mind and we just look for the right spot to do it on. Some tricks are invented by accident, some are dreamed for years. Some are first practiced on water ramps etc. and some can not be practiced before hand. There's really a thousand ways to invent a trick. And there's so many tricks yet to be invented!
We heard you might be making some more behind the scenes videos for this year? Can you give us a bit more info? Some good rumors you have heard! From now on we plan to release "making of" videos for each episode we produce. The idea is to release them two weeks after the episode itself. These videos will provide a deeper and interesting look into our videos. Have you already started working on the next episode? Can you give us any hints at what we might be able to expect? Yes sir! Actually we have already filmed the next episode. We filmed it in the UK on dry slopes and indoor slopes. It's going to be something rather special! Release date is still a mystery.