Terms & Conditions
Skiing is inherently dangerous. I acknowledge this risk and accept full responsibility for myself while participating in the Heist.
I understand that the Heist is a checkpoint rally, not a race. I will ski within my abilities and will be considerate of other skiers on the mountain.
I agree that Planks assumes no responsibility for injury/fatalities to myself or other slope users while I am participating in the Heist.
I understand that the Heist is not a guided service and I take full responsibility for my choice of route.
I acknowledge that participation in each checkpoint challenge is my own choosing. I understand that participating in these tasks does not require me to perform tricks or manoeuvres beyond my ability. Riding through the terrain park and boardercross can be challenging and dangerous, but I do so at my own risk.
I understand that Planks recommends the use of a certified helmet whilst skiing/snowboarding.
I understand that the FUSS is an online application which requires mobile data. I acknowledge that Planks is not responsible for costs incurred by myself from data and roaming charges during the event.
I agree to the use of photos or video in which I feature, by Planks, for promotional purposes for a period of up to 10 years following the event.
I understand that skiing under the influence of alcohol carries increased risk of injury to myslef and others and that by arranging a discounted price on alcoholic beverages at partner venues, Planks is not making the consumption of alcohol a requirement of participation. If I choose to drink and ski, that is my own decision.